Friday, December 26, 2008

Day After Christmas 2008

Dear Family and Friends, I have just spent most of the morning looking at all of your blogs. They are great and make me feel guilty for not doing better. Also make me feel envious for not doing all the fun things you all do. Also make me feel boring after seeing how creative you all are. Also makes me feel very grateful to have all of you belong to me. I love you all so much.

Christmas was a little different for Grandpa and me this year, but it was fine. The weather didn't cooperate very well. Lots of snow. The perdictiion for Christmas Day was probably worse than it really was, but besides the weather we found out that we were quite tired after Christmas Eve. That tells both of us that we really are closer to 80 now than 79. I keep telling myself that there is no difference, but---.

We had a great visit with Laurie on Wednesday. We tried to use our new Skyp, but still need a few more instructions. Actually Josh skyped us and we could see him, but he couldn't hear us. He looked good. Then Laurie got on. Same thing we could see and hear her, but she couldn't hear us. We have new speakers, but don't know how to get them on. HELP

It is awful to be dependant on other people for our need. Our neighbors are so kind to do our walks. Grandpa hates having them do it, but we both appreciate it.

Christmas Eve was great at Rick and Marilyn's. So good to see all of you. We missed those of you who were not with us, but know it isn't always possible for all of us to be together.

Hope you all have a Very Happy New Year. Love to all, Grandma

Friday, November 21, 2008

Day Before Big Game

Dear Family, Yesterday I did have a busy day so thought I would share it with you. First I went to my Book of Mormon Class, at 1:00 I had sewing group at my house, 4:00 found Dad and I at BYU to see one woman show, "Belle of Amhurst" put on by Elizabeth Funk, friend and ward member. It was very good. At 5:30 we went to Brick Oven with Lowell and Robison, who are also friends, and have just moved from our ward up to Midway. After dinner we went to BYU Basketball game.(We w0n). I was glad to see I could do it, but today I'm doing nothing except reading your blogs.

We are excited about the ball game. It should be a good game, and I have faith.

Dad is about the same. It has been almost a year now since his surgery. Kirsti and I were trying to think what we did last Christmas Eve. I couldn't remember and Kirst finally remembered that was when her folks announced their mission and dad and I were home. Glad that year is behind us.

We hate this financial crunch. Hope all of you are okay and will be okay. My only advise is hang in there and pay your tithing.

We love you all. Love, Mom

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Game Day

Dear Family, My Blogs are so boring compared to all of yours. You are great and do a good job. Can't say much for the Sora Lundberg, but she does seem a little busy and also the Lars Lundbergs. Can't read theirs when they do write, but would like to hear more. I heard through the blog that Brett now has a blog. His address is a little different so I am waiting for clarification on that before I pass it on.

Not much news on the Provo Family. Our days seem to be spent going to the doctors. Went to knee doctor yesterday as the replacement on the 1st knee seemed to be giving me problems. He said everything looked stable and felt like it was the soft tissue that was giving me problems and wrote out a prescription. (Doctors are so good at doing that.) Dad and I had on our badges that we wear at the JSMB as we were headed there. The Doctor thought it was just great that we did that. As we climbed in bed last night I told Dad what the doctor had said and that it made me feel how important it is to always look at the glass as half full instead of half empty.

Times are a little scarey right now in our wonderful country, but we must remember what a wonderful country we do live in. We especially are so fortunate to have a prophet to guide us. He has been counseling us for years as how to prepare for this day. Now we are being put to the test. All of you remember to pay your tithing, tighten yours belts a little and hang on tight.
We are all in the same boat and we will weather this storm together. Be sure to vote. That is what gives you the freedoms to enjoy or to critisize. If any of you get in a real financial bind remember we are here for you.

Today is an important day. BYU plays TCU. I feel this is one of the biggest games. My stomach is churning already. Everyone keep your fingers crossed. (Family Joke)

I need to write my missionaries. They are all doing real well. Love to all, Grandma

Monday, October 6, 2008

What happened to September

It has been so long since I blogged I can hardly remember how.

Dear Family and Friends, I really don't know where September went. I think there was not much going on in our lives other than sitting on the couch watching a little football, and a lot of politics. We will be glad when the elections are over except boredom will really set in.

The most important thing to take place in September was the birth of Charlotte Laurie Lundberg. Better known to all of us as Charley. She was born on the 27th and weighted 9lbs and 7 ounces. I'm sure if you read Brigs blog you will learn more about her. I do know she went to the pumpking patch to celebrate her first week of birth. Kristen seems to be doing fine. Her Mom is back there for two weeks.

Dad and I went to the doctor Friday and he said "yes we have bad backs, yes they will get worse, try these pills and I don't consider you really sick compared to others I see. So I have decided to quit whinning and live with it. We know there are many worse off than we are. He said we should go to Romania. The pills make us sick to our stomachs and don't seem to help much. Getting old is for the birds. We are so grateful to have each other to lean on.

We really enjoyed Conference. I thought the talks were wonderful and the music was
so beautiful. I think we all need to take their advise and watch our spending. Could you believe the temple announcements. Derek and Adrienne went crazy when they said Kansas City area, Lundbergs in Europe were especially thrilled about the Rome Temple for the saints in Romania. Much closer than Germany. I think we were all excited and thrilled about Rome. I'm sure you Argentine missionaries are thrilled to death about the one down there. It is an amazing church isn't it? Cristina was thrilled about the one in Rome also and hopes her mom can go through it before it is dedicated.

Justin has had an interview in San Francisco for Podietry School and was accepted. He is also going to Des Moines Iow this Friday to interview. He thinks cost wise that might be the better one. Way to go Justin. We are all proud of you. Good Luck Friday.

Alex was mad an assistant to the President in Argentina. He will be home on December 20th. He will enter BYU Winter Semester. Andrea , Alex and Jordan are all having great missions. They are not without their challanges, but that is how we grow isn't it.

The Laundry Room is calling my name so I must go. Merrill does appreciate clean clothes. I will try to do better at keeping my blog up. Love to all of you.

What happened to September

Saturday, August 23, 2008

The end of another week.

Dear Family and Friends, I didn't realize that I hadn't posted for over ten days. As I was wondering where time goes, I realized that my time has gone sitting on the couch watching either the elections or the Olympics. The Olympics have been great. Can't say as much for the elections. However, I'm sure you all heard today that the big secret is out. Joe Biden is to be the running mate of Obamha. He told Biden on Thursday and the media have been so upset with themselves that they didn't find out until midnight Friday night when John King, of CNN, finally found out and announced it to the world. I heard one lady said she was up all night checking her TV and Internet to find out who it was. The ironic thing they have been saying all week that it would be him. Politics!

Last weekend we did go to St. George with the Kings. We saw "Sound of Music" and "Les Miseralbes." Liked "Sound of Music best." We stayed in the Lundbergs home and found it to be very nice. Sat by the Daltons at the theater and saw them again as we were coming out of the "Bear Claw" where we had a delicious breakfast both mornings.

We also got to visit Brett at his work. We were very impressed. He has a very nice office. There were four women in the office at the time that he works with. They love him. They say he makes their day. When we went to breakfast he brought his friend, Erika Ahlson. She was very very nice and real cute. It was good to see him in his enviorment and how happy he is. He has been working on two masters this past year. This semester he is going to concentrate on the Rehabilitation one the he is getting through Utah State. He will put his Forensic Science on hold for a semester. He made us proud.

My knee is doing real well. Grandpa isn't very comfortable. His back is still a pain.

I hope you are already for next Saturday, when BYU football starts. Yeah. We are looking forward to it. We got a pass behind the credit union again which will make it nice for us.

I'll close for now. Keep well, safe and happy. Love, Grandma

Monday, August 11, 2008

My Recovery is about over.

Dear Family and Friends, Today is my next to last day of Physical Theraphy at home. I can bend my knee 1115%s. I am walking well can even go up and down stairs using both legs tentatively. I am only taking two Tylenol at bed time now. Most of the strips(that form the bandage have peeled off now, and I can turn the bycicly wheel all the way around. I don't know if that sounds good to you, but it does to me. Jeremiaha, the other man in my life for the last month, came today and will be back tomorrow to finish up the paper work. Yeah. I do have an appointment with Dr. Sorenson on the 25th of August and if he thinks I need more theraphy I will go to one of the offices around here as an out patient.

The first thing I am going to do is drive the car!!. My dear husband has said absolutely not until Jermiaha says I can. You know how he believes in keeping the rules. It is really hard to have him take me where ever I have to go. Bless him he has been great though.

Saturday we went on a nice drive up to Mirror Lake and then through Evanston and into Wanship for a nice chicken dinner. We got home about 5:00 and immediately had a nice nap.
Love those naps.

Hope you all are getting to see some of the Olympics. They are exciting to watch.

I am going to the JSMB Wednesday and then to ST. George on Thursday morning. We will see both plays and then back home Saturday to go to The McCleary wedding reception. It sounds fun just to be thinking about being up and going.

Hope all is well with all of you. Anxious to hear about Justin and Erika's trip to Baltimore. I just looked at the map and I think Georgia is across the Black Sea from Romania. A new worry.
I'll close for now. Hope all is well with all of you. Love, Darlene

Sunday, August 3, 2008

PS to Last Posting

After my frustrating day, we watched TV until Bed time which for us is 10"00 news time. We snuggled in our bed, turned the TV on and it was nothing but snow. Now when your bed partners day can't end until he sees the 10"00 news it was bad. He's up out of bed, checking TV's upstairs and down. None working. He is sure the man that repaired the computer had ruined everything else. We have comcast for both computer and TV. At about 10:15 we turned the lights off, but I could feel him tossing and turning for quite a while. Next morning I had Merrill turn TV on and we had a beautiful picture.I called my neighbor,d she also has her telephone with Comcast, and she and her family had also been frustrated. Apparently it had been a local problem and not just ours. Thank goodness.

You can probably tell I am getting pretty bored with my house confinement. Things are going well. The therapist is coming next week and then that will be all. I'll see the doctor on the 25th and if he thinks I need to go for outside theraphy I'll do that.

Jeff and Marilyn got home last night, but when I called the house about 8:30 Ryan said that Rick picked her up at the airport and then they headed for Park City. He must have had something up there that he wanted to go to. I bet Marilyn was completely worn our. I havenn't called this morning. She leaves for camp tomorrow morning. I am anxious to hear about their trip.

Have a good Sunday. Love you all


Thursday, July 31, 2008

A Frustrating Day

Dear Family and Friends, This morning went well. Merrill got up and pulled up the e-mails. About 11:30 I went down with good intentions of writing to the Missionaries. Well I couldn't pull up "on line." I waited an hour and the tried again. Still nothing. So we called comcast and they said they would be out before 5:00 and would call. They called, but didn't get here at given time. I went down to check the computer and it seemed to be working. I called the place to tell them it was working, he said okay hold on and I'll cancel the trip of the repair man. As soon as he left it went off again. He came back, I told him and he put me on hold for another 10 minutes. But when he came back he said "I've pulled some strings and some one will be there in a half hour. Well that was fine, but I had the therapist coming in a few minuter. Sure enough he came first. So there he and I were laying on the family room floor as he was trying to teach me how to get down and back up. In walks the repair man. I left him to Dad to take care of. I just ask Dad if he explained to him why this gray haired woman and good looking young man were rolling around on the floor. Guess what he didn't explain to him. He did get the computer working again.

Dad went to the Joseph Smith last night without me. He enjoyed it and I got along fine.

Marilyn and Jeff will be home Saturday at 6:00pm. From what I've heard all has gone well.

Preston and Ethan are at Scout Camp. Scott spent one night with them.

Not much more to report. Ill be glad when I am no longer house bound. As long as I have Home Health Care Coming I am, but that will probably be for only one more week and a day. Yeah
Love, Mom

Friday, July 25, 2008

Two Weeks + one day After Surgery

Dear Family and Friends,

Yes, it has been two weeks and one day since I entered Alta View Hospital and had a total right knee replacement. Merrill took me to see Dr. Sorenson today and he and his nurse were very surprised at at how well I am doing. I am down to using one arm crutch and can really do okay without it around the house. He was also surprised to learn that I had only used Tylenol. A nice surprise for me was that I could remove those awful white hose. My leg was hardly swollen so he said take them off. I think they have you wear them to guard against blood clots. I hope he is right about taking them off. Usually you have to wear them six weeks.

I want to thank all of you for your faith and prayers. When each doctor has expressed surprise at my rapid recovery Dad and I just look at each other and say "prayer." I did let Dr. Sorenson know that I felt he had done a real good job. I see hin again in a month.

I'm especially grateful to Merrill for his good kind care. Being "the mom" is not his bag of tea, but he has done very well.

Hope you all had a nice 24th. Seems like our family was kind of spread out this year. I will try to bring you up to date on the comings and goings. Dad and I watched the parade and then about 5:00 Alison came down. She had to pick Ethan and friends up from a soccor camp at BYU at 8:000. She brought dinner and did dusting and vacuuming. We had a nice visit. The rest of her family that live at the house right now were at a Bees Game with her extended family. Scott had worked as he usually does on holidays.

Marilyn and Jeff left for Romania about 5:00. I hope they made it. We didn't hear from Rick yesterday, but did the night before. He is still working long hard hours. Rob & Kathy, Julie and Greg were to leave today for a river trip with the Young Adults. I don't know if it was Stake or Regional. Rob was in charge of it. They will return Sunday afternoon. Abbie couldn't go as she made the soccor team(yeah) and had to home for it.

Paul and Kirsti celebrated with the Jeppsons Wednesday night seeing fireworks and parade in Bountiful. They were alone on Thursday, but did chores etc. Lars & Kelli, Justin and Erika, and another couple went to St. George. The Daltons went to Rexburg to reunion with Maren's old roommates. I don't know what Jill and Chad were doing. Karen was probably just getting Jeff ready to go away. She is a dear. Cristina and Brandon are probably enjoying their last few days in D.C.

The Physical Therapist just called and said he would be here in a few minutes. I have not done my exercises very well today.(I hate doing them.) I will close for now. Hope you are all doing very well. Love you a lot. Grandma Hymas

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Dear Family, For our 5th trip in 7 days we went to the Jeppsens for dinner. The Daltons, Banks, and Lars Lundbergs were there as well. Paul had prepared chichken and everyone else brought something. I made a flag cake. The little kids liked it. Pepperidge pound cake, cool whip, strawberries and blueberries. )

On Monday Greg came and visited for the afternoon. It was so good to see him. He had been to the Call Reunion in San Francisco and then drove to Utah with Guy and Chris. He is going to Youth Conference Thursday with his cousin Sam and then will fly home when it is over.

Had word from Laurie today. Sounds like they hardly have time to breath. Loves the missionaries. She said they treat them likeRoyality. I think they are really working very hard, but enjoying it. Hope they can keep up the pace.

Got to get a little cleaning done. Have a good week all of you. Love, Darlene

Sunday at the Lundbergs

Thursday, July 3, 2008

July 4th Week

Dear Family, I wrote a wonderful blog and then I lost it. I forgot to save it. What a slow learner I am.

We are really having hot July weather. However the days are beautiful. Blue skies, green grass and mountains are green.

Today our friend, Glen King had his gall bladder removed. I think asl went well. He is like Uncle Gary and has one thing after another.

Last night at the JSMB we saw Brandon's cousin. Those of you that were at the wedding will probably remember her. She was a darling girl who was a missionary on Temple Square. I have watched for her ever since the wedding. Last night she walked by me and I called to her and said, "Are you Brandon's cousin?" With a surprised look on her face she said yes. As soon as I told her who I was she remembered me and came around the desk and gave me a big hug. She only has one week left on her mission and then will be returning to Singapore. However, she will be coming back to attend BYU. I was so glad I got to see her.

Julie had a wonderful time on her cruise. Her family is now in San Francisco attending a "Call Family Reunion.

All of our missionaries are doing great. I think Alex is probably the most obedient missionary ever. He wrote how he had been having a great discussion and noticed he only had a short time to get to his apartment at the time he should be there. I think what he said was that he hired a taxi and then had to run part of the way, but he made it with 2 seconds to spare. He will be home in December.

Andrea's reputation of being a peace maker must befollowing her around. She was just transferred to an apartment of girls that were not doing as they should. She loved her other apartment because everyone got along so well and they were having a good time. She will soon get things straightened out and all will be well.

Jordan is also doing fine. He loves Korea. It is very hot there and that is a little hard on him as he doesn't do real well with heat, but he never complains.

Big news of the month is that Alayna is being baptized. Can you believe she is eight years old. She was born when we were on our missions. Saturday will be her baptzim day.

Tuesday Grandpa and I went to Maddox in Brigham City for lunch with old telephone company
friends. There were 12 of us. It was our turn to be in charge of making the arrangements. One couple came from Pocatello.

Tomorrow is the 4th and The Scott Hymas', the Jeppsons, the Daltons and Grandpa and I as well as Rick & Marilyn's children are going to their house to eat and then to Oakridge for fireworks. Hope you all have something fun planned. Be safe.

By the way on the way to Maddox we stopped at Dr. Sorenson in Salt Lake and made plans to have my right knee replace on Thursday the 10th. Can you believe it. He promised me that all would go as well as it did two years ago. Please, don't worry I will be fine.

I hope all is well with our Romanian family. We are all anxious for your next e-mails. We are especailly anxious to hear about Josh's School. Remember you are always in our prayers.

I don't know it I covered everything that was in my original one. I hope so.

Love until next time. Love, Grandma

Monday, June 30, 2008

Freedom Festival

Sunday Evening Grandpa and I attended the Sunday night Freedom Festival Program at the Marriott Center. It was really nice. The center was packed. Glen Beck, the Mormon Sean Hennidy, was the speaker. It was very patriotic. They also had a nice band and many patrotic songs were played. It is really a nice way to start the 4th of July Celebration. We were glad we went.

Another way we are knowing it is the 4th is by the weather. Yesterday was the hottest day of the year so far and the whole week is to be hotter than hot. I guess this is what we have been waiting for though.

Julie got off of her cruise with the Lewis family. She called last night and said she had a wonderful time. Her friend, Ben is going to stop by their place on his way to Cornell. Nothing more to report on that item. All of the Rob Hymas family is in San Francisco for a Call Family Reunion. I'm sure they will have fun. Even Kathy's parents were ablt to be there.

Chad had a birthday on the 28th as did President Lundberg.

We received our first 3-mail from Sora Lundberg today as I'm sure most of you did too.
It was really nice to know that they arrived in safety, that she is happy with her home and is ready to go convert the world.

Kirsti and the children arrived on Friday and I think Paul and Justin will get in today. Hope they are all safe and make the trip as planned. Paul doesn't start his job until the 14th I think Kirsti said. It will be so nice to have them closer.

Hope everyone has a great week. Love to all, Grandma Hymas

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Thursday June 26, 2008


Yesterday Merrill and I went to the JSMB as usual, but ask if we could leave an hour early as our daughter and her husband would be coming home from the MTC and would be leaving in the morning for Romania, and we wanted to tell them goodby. We didn't really want to tell them goodby, but as they would go whether we did or not we thought we'd better.

Actually things went real well. They were already there when we got there. Laurie was in her cute satin pjamas that Brigham and Kristen had given her. The bedroom was full of suitcases, clothers, books etc. It seemed like they had been packing for weeks, but there was last minute things such as material they had received at the MTC, clean laundry of things they had worn at the MTC, what should go in the carry ons and what in the bags, that could only weigh 50lbs.
Justin, Lars and Kameron would weigh the suit case and then Laurie would either take our or add to. She finally decided they could take one more bag. I took three tries before Scott found the one that they both agreeded would be suitable. It got filled with medicines and toilitries. (Eric discovered that the eight bottles of calcium for Laurie expired in December.)

At ten thirty we decided that they were getting close to being finished, so we felt we should have our goodbys and take leave. Laurie and Scott were both so excited and so full of the Spirit that it make it easier to leave. Scott had read us a part of Elder Hollands talk at the dinner last night and got quite emotional reading it. They had loved meeting the missionaries that would be coming to them in Romania. They had visited with many of the General Authorities as well as being in classes with them. For me saying goodby to Joshua was perhaps the hardest. He was very sweet and gave us big hugs and kisses. He is very excited. I just thought how changed he would be when he returned.

Of course telling Scott and Laurie goodby was hard, but there were no big tears on either of our parts. Life is so interesting. You marry and bring these wonderful children into your lives. You love them so much, and you educate them, and teach them the gospel and pray that they will be good successful individuals, always active in the church and in their careers. And then all of a sudden they are gone doing just exaactly what you had wanted them to do and being just what you had prayed for them to be. I think this is just one of the tests we are given here on earth to prove our worth. I hope I can meet the challange for three years.

A few years ago I heard in church a lady say "You can't depend on your children for your happiness." The bottom line is that your relationship with your companion is the most important thing in this world. You must work on it being good every single day. I'm so grateful that Grandpa and I still have each other to go through these tests together. I'm grateful for my children and the joy and happiness they have brought and continue to bring into my life. I'm grateful for their mates. No mother could ask to have her children marry better, nicer, sweeter people than my children have. I love them all. I appreciate their parents so much just as I appreciate the parents of my husband. I can truly say that I loved Grandpa and Grandma Hymas as I did my own parents.

So today I start a new part of my life. Waiting for e-mails and blogs. Never did I think I'd see the day when I would be blogging. Life is wonderful and good. Know that I love you all. Grandma Hymas

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Lundberg Setting Apart

I know most of you were there or have probably already heard about the nice time we had at the setting apart of Scott and Laurie. However, I wanted to share my feelings. It was so special.
Elder Perry's office was on the second floor of the administration building. It had nice windows. His secretaries office was just out side of his. He greeted all of us as we entered. To start he ask me how I was doing. I said I was very proud of them, but would really miss them. He went around the room and talked to each couple. He found out where all of the boys had served their missions. When Justin said Albania he lightened up and said what a great country that was. Justin said he had been there at the time Elder Perry was the Area Authority there. When he got to Lars, Lars said that he had been in Columbus. Ohio. This is where Elder Perry had been when he was younger. Lars said he knew he had opened a Branch in a certain town. Elder Perry ask him how he knew that and Lars said "Elder Perry, you are a legend." After Ila introduced herself I mentioned that she was Elder Stucki's sister. He was glad to hear that. After he ask all of the men about their missions he ask Josh where he wanted to go when he got older. Josh said,"I'll go where ever they want me to go." Later he told him that he had been born in Romania. Elder Perry said how did that happen? Then Laurie explained and said now Josh was on his second mission. It was truly an experience to remember.

As we walked down the hall to the elevator an office door was open and it was Sheldon Child's office. We waited just a second and when he finished he came out in the hall and talked to us a minute. So that too was nice.

We then headed for Applebee's for a nice dinner Scott treated us to. Then we went to their house and played a game that Josh and Laurel like. We got home about 8:30. It was a full day but a very special one.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Learning to Blog.

Dear Family, I have good intentions, but I'm a slow learner. Sometimes I succeed by trial and error and then I don't know how I did things. Thanks to Maren I'm trying to learn little by little.

Yesterday we had a nice day. After church we went to visit a couple we had served in on our mission in New York. They had just remodeled their house. It is always fun to remember old times. Had ice cream on their patio. This is the second time this week we visited a friend from the missionfield. First time was a lady who had been in Grandpa's first mission in Eugene, Oregan. Her husband had died and Merrill saw her name in the obituary so we went over to the viewing. We got there a little early and she and her brother were the only ones in the room. When Grandpa walked through the doorway she said, "Oh its Elder Hymas." It had been 58 or 59 years since they had seen each other. This really thrilled Grandpa. Although he couldn' decide if he hadn't changed or if he'd always looked old. Anyway we had a nice visit with her and were so glad we went.

Thanks, Brigham for helping me out too

I dreamed about Luke the last night. He was the star in a play and was so darling.

Love you all.