Thursday, October 16, 2008

Game Day

Dear Family, My Blogs are so boring compared to all of yours. You are great and do a good job. Can't say much for the Sora Lundberg, but she does seem a little busy and also the Lars Lundbergs. Can't read theirs when they do write, but would like to hear more. I heard through the blog that Brett now has a blog. His address is a little different so I am waiting for clarification on that before I pass it on.

Not much news on the Provo Family. Our days seem to be spent going to the doctors. Went to knee doctor yesterday as the replacement on the 1st knee seemed to be giving me problems. He said everything looked stable and felt like it was the soft tissue that was giving me problems and wrote out a prescription. (Doctors are so good at doing that.) Dad and I had on our badges that we wear at the JSMB as we were headed there. The Doctor thought it was just great that we did that. As we climbed in bed last night I told Dad what the doctor had said and that it made me feel how important it is to always look at the glass as half full instead of half empty.

Times are a little scarey right now in our wonderful country, but we must remember what a wonderful country we do live in. We especially are so fortunate to have a prophet to guide us. He has been counseling us for years as how to prepare for this day. Now we are being put to the test. All of you remember to pay your tithing, tighten yours belts a little and hang on tight.
We are all in the same boat and we will weather this storm together. Be sure to vote. That is what gives you the freedoms to enjoy or to critisize. If any of you get in a real financial bind remember we are here for you.

Today is an important day. BYU plays TCU. I feel this is one of the biggest games. My stomach is churning already. Everyone keep your fingers crossed. (Family Joke)

I need to write my missionaries. They are all doing real well. Love to all, Grandma

Monday, October 6, 2008

What happened to September

It has been so long since I blogged I can hardly remember how.

Dear Family and Friends, I really don't know where September went. I think there was not much going on in our lives other than sitting on the couch watching a little football, and a lot of politics. We will be glad when the elections are over except boredom will really set in.

The most important thing to take place in September was the birth of Charlotte Laurie Lundberg. Better known to all of us as Charley. She was born on the 27th and weighted 9lbs and 7 ounces. I'm sure if you read Brigs blog you will learn more about her. I do know she went to the pumpking patch to celebrate her first week of birth. Kristen seems to be doing fine. Her Mom is back there for two weeks.

Dad and I went to the doctor Friday and he said "yes we have bad backs, yes they will get worse, try these pills and I don't consider you really sick compared to others I see. So I have decided to quit whinning and live with it. We know there are many worse off than we are. He said we should go to Romania. The pills make us sick to our stomachs and don't seem to help much. Getting old is for the birds. We are so grateful to have each other to lean on.

We really enjoyed Conference. I thought the talks were wonderful and the music was
so beautiful. I think we all need to take their advise and watch our spending. Could you believe the temple announcements. Derek and Adrienne went crazy when they said Kansas City area, Lundbergs in Europe were especially thrilled about the Rome Temple for the saints in Romania. Much closer than Germany. I think we were all excited and thrilled about Rome. I'm sure you Argentine missionaries are thrilled to death about the one down there. It is an amazing church isn't it? Cristina was thrilled about the one in Rome also and hopes her mom can go through it before it is dedicated.

Justin has had an interview in San Francisco for Podietry School and was accepted. He is also going to Des Moines Iow this Friday to interview. He thinks cost wise that might be the better one. Way to go Justin. We are all proud of you. Good Luck Friday.

Alex was mad an assistant to the President in Argentina. He will be home on December 20th. He will enter BYU Winter Semester. Andrea , Alex and Jordan are all having great missions. They are not without their challanges, but that is how we grow isn't it.

The Laundry Room is calling my name so I must go. Merrill does appreciate clean clothes. I will try to do better at keeping my blog up. Love to all of you.

What happened to September