Monday, January 26, 2009


Dear Family and Friends, I just noticed that I have not blogged since December 26th. What kind of blogger am I? (Don't comment on that!)

My problem is that my life is kind of boring right now. I have been doing some reading. I read "Massacer" and am now reading a book called "Left behind to tell."I pulled out a counted cross stitch that I have been working on for about ten years. (that is an estimated guess. ) I have done so much on it, I hate to just leave it, but when I spend about three hours on it and have only about an inch square done. l What is your opinion? We've watchaed about every football game and basketball game possible. We went to BYU/San Digo game. It was good and we were glad we went. JSMB still takes our Wednesday evenings and Church takes care of Sundayl.

Rob is coming to visit on Saturday. He will be here just until Tuesday morning, but it will be good to see him.

We went to dinner Friday night with the Scott Hymas family. Alex didn't go as he had other "plans". Preston also didn't go as he had a winter camp out. Bless those Scout Masters. It was fun, but we decided that Friday night in Provo should be done before 5:00.

Grandpa and I are both feeling pretty good. We love our family and appreciate all they do for us.
Love, Mom